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WorkCell & LabCell

⒑ Features

    Hettich Rotanta 46 RSC centrifuge

          • Temperature range settings -20°C to +40°C
          • User selectable centrifugation cycles

     1 to 60 tubes per centrifugation cycle

     TruWeight⑩ load balancing system

     Selectable timeout for start of cycle

     Throughput of up to 240 tubes/hour

     Provides efficient parallel processing

         • 3 separate robots
         • 2 loading queues
         • 1 unloading queue
         • 2 decappers with 3,000 cap waste bin

     Flexible specimen handling

         • Intermixed tube sizes at any time
         • Intermixed cap types at any time

     Automatic detection of broken tubes



     Links pre-analytical to analytical and post-analytical sample processes within ADVIA® modular
     automation systems

     Allows various tube sizes and cap types - no requirement to standardize on a single tube size or type

     Each tube is weighed to provide balance between centrifuge bucket inserts

     Large used-cap waste bin permits walk-away of over 12 hours

     Broken-tube and cap-remaining detectors allow operators to manage problem tubes individually and

     in a timely manner

     Programming profiles allow ease of making changes for different sample-type needs


Module interior

Sample Tube Processing Area